Ministry of Health and GNCTD have drawn up the medical facilities plan.
Fully equipped polyclinic at the Games Village and functional basic medical centre at each Venue: Venues to be linked to tertiary care hospitals. The hospitals in the city would provide the best health care incase of any eventuality. Equipped with state of the art equipment and some of the best doctors in the world the health services would be able to cater to the large influx of visitors with efficiency and ease.
Sports Medicine and Injury centre at Safdarjung Hospital complex at the cost of Rs. 70.72 Crore
90 Centralized Accident and Trauma Services (CATS) and 50 Advanced Life Supports (ALS) ambulances being procured.
Training of medical personnel in basic emergency procedures and disaster management Another feature would be for transportation of affected people during a crisis. This would be achieved by a special Advance Life Support Ambulances, which would be available on call.